

Generate a unique & secure email address for every website

IdBloc protects your privacy & security by generating permanent, anonymous email addresses on demand. Use IdBloc whenever someone wants your email address. Emails are automatically forwarded to your real address, keeping your identity secure.

About IdBloc

  • IdBloc - Generate a unique & secure email address for every website.
  • IdBloc was listed under Email , Productivity .
  • Email - love it or hate it, electronic mail is a huge part of your life but fortunately there are so many apps and extensions to make it more managable. psa: please don't "reply all" to everything. ?
  • Productivity - if time is most precious, this collection of lifehacks is so so precious. be more productive and optimize your life.
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  • IdBloc was first published on 2022-08-26 20:05:03