Rita Personal Data

Rita Personal Data alternatives and competitors

The data management App that gives users ownership and control of their data - Collect your data from multiple platforms - View your data in an intuitive dashboard - Choose who can access your data and who can't

Top alternatives to Rita Personal Data

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Select Star (https://selectstar.com) is an automated data discovery platform that analyzes & documents your data. Select Star provides an easy-to-use data portal that everyone can use to find and understand data, saving data analysts hours of time every week.

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My Data Request
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Hundreds of companies store & process information about you. In many cases, you're entitled to this data, as well as information on how it's being used & shared. We read these companies' privacy policies to figure out how you can get this data about you.

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At datacy, we are making data work for everyone. We're helping people earn money from their data, almost effortlessly.And allowing businesses to source richer and more accurate data without engaging in dodgy practices or breaching consumer privacy.

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Data that you create and is relevant to you is present on various applications like Google Drive or Slack but is inaccessible to public search engines. LetsFind integrates with many such applications to help you find your content quickly from one single page.

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A cross-platform app for secure personal data management

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Cliqz for Firefox 1.0
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Direct, fast, and smart. Boost your online experience.

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Globalogs is a service for tracking personal data on the Internet. We help companies maintain loyalty and regular users of their data. Read us on Medium :)

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Quantify your life & track what matters to you: habits, symptoms, mood, nutrition, journaling, or whatever else. Do it all on one privacy-focused platform. Integrate with health devices, find correlations, and gain insights into your health, fitness, and more.

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Top Rita Personal Data Alternatives and Competitors

  • SelectStar - Automated data catalog and discovery for modern data teams
  • My Data Request - See the personal data that companies store about you 🕵️
  • Datacy - Make your data earn for you. Control what to sell & to whom
  • Top Rita Personal Data alternatives are SelectStar , My Data Request , Datacy .
  • Rita Personal Data was listed under Tech .
  • Tech - hardware or software. invention or innovation. if someone’s pushing technology forward, you’ll find it here.
  • Visit Tiny Alternatives for more updates about Rita Personal Data alternatives.