Top alternatives to periodical

Thank you for reading
Reading and gaining knowledge shouldn't be a chore. Get one weekly Substack email digest from your favorite Substack writers.
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Always Reading
The way it works is you add all the articles you've got saved up and then set up a schedule for how often you'd like to be sent one of these articles. We'll then send you an email, based on your schedule, with a link to the next article in your list. Once you read the link, we'll mark it read and queue up the next one! We have a chrome ext too!
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Minimal Reading Mode
Minimal Reading Mode is a super lightweight extension that optimizes any website for reading: font optimization, clear contrast, zen focus, auto dark mode, image and media minification, automatic scroll to content, remove scripts/styles to save CPU
Read More Read LessTop periodical Alternatives and Competitors
- Thank you for reading - Personalized Substack summaries
- Always Reading - Queue up articles and schedule when you want to read them.
- Minimal Reading Mode - Optimize websites for reading: font, contrast, night mode
- Top periodical alternatives are Thank you for reading , Always Reading , Minimal Reading Mode .
- periodical was listed under E-commerce , Tech .
- E-commerce - now you never have to leave the comfort of your home. discover and purchase whatever you want, whenever you want.
- Tech - hardware or software. invention or innovation. if someone’s pushing technology forward, you’ll find it here.
- Visit Tiny Alternatives for more updates about periodical alternatives.