
Crystal alternatives and competitors

Crystal is a community curated database of individual police officer interactions and police department culture. It is an open-source application backed by over 5000 submitted records.

Top alternatives to Crystal

Vanilla Timeline for Twitter
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Twitter seems really interested in showing you content they think will be relevant to you. Mostly by adding "someone-you-follow liked" or "someone-you-follow retweeted" tweets in your timeline. Now you can get rid of the clutter.

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Police Tape
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Empowers citizens to secretly tape interactions with police

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Rate the professionalism of your local police department.

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Yapper is the social platform that allows everyone to vote on which posts stay within it. By YaPraising the good and UnPraising the bad, everyone in the clique gets to pitch in on making a safe online community. No one's just a bystander in Yapper.

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Outputter is a distraction-free Twitter app to post tweets and reply to mentions. Features: • No timeline • Posting tweet • Replying to and liking mentions • Notifications for mentions • Replying to your own tweets • Deleting your own tweets • Drafts (In-app)

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Mindful Twitter
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Explore Twitter Mindfully... No more distracting notification counts.

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- Rate & document your past encounters with the police - View how others in the community rated their police encounters - Gain unprecedented insight into how different police departments impact communities

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Top Crystal Alternatives and Competitors

  • Vanilla Timeline for Twitter - Browse Twitter without the some-user-liked tweet clutter.
  • Police Tape - Empowers citizens to secretly tape interactions with police
  • Five-O - Rate the professionalism of your local police department.
  • Top Crystal alternatives are Vanilla Timeline for Twitter , Police Tape , Five-O .
  • Crystal was listed under Productivity , Open Source .
  • Productivity - if time is most precious, this collection of lifehacks is so so precious. be more productive and optimize your life.
  • Open Source - sharing is caring. build great things together.
  • Visit Tiny Alternatives for more updates about Crystal alternatives.