
CommentBlock alternatives and competitors

Add CommentBlock to your browser and comment sections across the internet are automatically hidden. This includes Facebook News Feed, Youtube, LinkedIn, and much more. You can use the popover to customize what is blocked.

Top alternatives to CommentBlock

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Huddle is a comment section built-in to your browser. Join the discussion on any page you're browsing, whether it's a Netflix show, podcast, Zillow listing, news article, eBay item or work file. Get the Huddle extension free from the Chrome Web Store.

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Shut Up: Comment Blocker
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Shut Up hides comments by default on most websites, and you can show comments with the click of a button. This may help you avoid being drawn into protracted arguments, or being exposed to statements that instill anger or sadness.

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EthTalk is a comments widget implemented and designed for the Ethereum ecosystem, lets visitors leave comments on your website with their non-custodial Ethereum account. (No Facebook or Google accounts needed to comment anymore 😎)

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Ahoy allows you to leave comments on any webpage through its virtual comment board. See what web surfers all around the world are reading, and start a conversation! Your web surfing experience will never be the same again.

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Kill News Feed
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Kill your Facebook news feed

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Top CommentBlock Alternatives and Competitors

  • Huddle - Netflix and Spotify now have a comment section
  • Shut Up: Comment Blocker - Hides comments on many popular websites.
  • ETHTalk - A comments widget for the Ethereum ecosystem
  • Top CommentBlock alternatives are Huddle , Shut Up: Comment Blocker , ETHTalk .
  • CommentBlock was listed under Social Network .
  • Social Network - a dedicated website or other application which enables users to communicate with each other by posting information, comments, messages, images, etc.
  • Visit Tiny Alternatives for more updates about CommentBlock alternatives.