Chart.js 4.0

Chart.js 4.0 alternatives and competitors

With 2.5M weekly downloads on npm and 60K stars on GitHub, Chart.js is a popular, simple yet flexible, fast, and well-documented charting library. It's used by developers all over the globe to create appealing data visualizations and tell stories with data.

Top alternatives to Chart.js 4.0

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Webix is a fast JavaScript UI components library that allows you to develop powerful mobile and desktop web apps based on HTML5 and CSS3. It provides over 80 feature rich UI widgets for data management, visualization, uploading and editing. Webix offers simple JQuery, Angular.JS and Backbone.JS integration and can work with any server-side platform, such as PHP, .NET, Java, etc.

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Top Chart.js 4.0 Alternatives and Competitors

  • Webix - JavaScript UI Library; HTML5 JS framework, 102 UI Web Widget
  • Top Chart.js 4.0 alternatives are Webix , .
  • Chart.js 4.0 was listed under Web App , Github .
  • Web App - you know that place with all those cat pics and gifs? it also has some other neat stuff.
  • Github - distributed version control as a service. but it's so much more than that. github is where developers build, collaborate and share software.
  • Visit Tiny Alternatives for more updates about Chart.js 4.0 alternatives.