
100daysofCode alternatives and competitors

Official #100DaysOfCode & help developers participating to come closer. Part of @FreeCodeCamp | Founded by @ka11away | Written in #JavaScript by @amanhimself

Top alternatives to 100daysofCode

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CoursePlanet is an up-skilling platform for developers and designers. Learn Frontend technologies (ReactJS, VueJS, JavaScript), Mobile technologies (React Native, Android, iOS) and UX Design through interactive bite-sized courses.

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How to work with APIs
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Have you ever wondered exactly what an API is, how to interact with it, or what to do with the data it returns? Slash the API dog is here to help explain it all to you in this simple guide.

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College Compendium
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The best products are built by those equipped with the best knowledge. Build your information base and explore your intellectual curiousity through a crowdsourced compilation of 650+ CS courses from top universities.

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Your First Year in Code
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Starting a career in programming can be intimidating. Your First Year in Code can help, with practical advice on topics like code reviews, resume writing, fitting in, ethics, and finding your dream job. leanpub.com/firstyearincode

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HabitScript is a vs code extension that tracks your coding time and displays it on a web app with data point like most productive time of day, a number of coding hours, reward your coding time and much more

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Livehacks Alpha
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Livehacks is peer to peer live streaming for coders. Go live with the click of a button, no hassle.

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Top 100daysofCode Alternatives and Competitors

  • CoursePlanet - Up-skilling platform for developers and designers
  • How to work with APIs - Learn to work with APIs with the help of Slash the API dog
  • College Compendium - A collection of 650+ university CS courses for the curious
  • Top 100daysofCode alternatives are CoursePlanet , How to work with APIs , College Compendium .
  • 100daysofCode was listed under Marketing .
  • Marketing - having a killer product is essential, but it's not that useful if no one knows about it. these products will help you spread the word about your new startup or project.
  • Visit Tiny Alternatives for more updates about 100daysofCode alternatives.