Plug-in, also called add-on or extension, computer software that adds new functions to a host program without altering the host program itself.

ElementsKit Elementor addons
Elementor Addons come with Header Foote

WooCommerce Stripe Payment Gateway
Take credit card payments on your store

Page Builder by SiteOrigin
Build responsive page layouts using the

Facebook for WooCommerce
Get the Official Facebook for WooCommer

WooCommerce Shipping & Tax
WooCommerce Shipping & Tax offers a
LightStart – Maintenance Mode,
Easy Drag & Drop Page Builder that

EWWW Image Optimizer
Smaller Images, Faster Sites, Happier V

All-In-One Security (AIOS) –
Protect your website investment with Al

Website Builder by SeedProd — Theme
Easy Drag & Drop Page Builder. A co

One Click Demo Import
Import your demo content, widgets and t

WP-Optimize – Cache, Clean,
Boost your site's speed and perfor