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Improve developer productivity by up to 90% ⚡️

Keep your engineering team in sync with smart PR alerts in Slack. Get real-time updates, reduce review delays, and ship faster.

Loved by 10,000+ developers

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Trusted by over 10,000+ engineers across 500+ orgs.

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Let's cut to the chase!

How teams are monitoring PRs in Slack:

Github App for Slack:

- Noisy ❌
- Cluttered ❌
- Lengthy messages ❌

Github Actions:

- Not noisy ✅
- Not enough info ❌
- Limited ❌

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PullNotifier App:

- Short & concise ✅
- Efficient notifications ✅
- Latest PR status ✅


Effortless PR Tracking

Easily identify PRs that have not been checked yet, so you can stay on top of your code reviews effortlessly.


Simply Secure

We operate with minimal required permissions - we simply don't have access to your code or Slack messages.


Save time, money, and resources

Why build and maintain your own solution when we've already perfected it? Save thousands in development costs and ongoing maintenance.


It just makes sense!

If you are using Github and Slack, there's no reason not to use PullNotifier.

PullNotifier - map repositories to different Slack channels

Large team working on different things? We got you covered.
Easily choose which repositories notify to which Slack channels.

PullNotifier - sync comments to Slack channel✨ New Feature

Keep track of your Pull Request's progress directly inside Slack.

PullNotifier - mention and tag reviewers on Slack
✨ New Feature

Map your Github ⇔ Slack users to automatically mention the reviewers on Slack.

PullNotifier - Improve productivity for dev teams using Github and Slack | Product Hunt

Wall of Love

"We used to add emojis on PR notifs to indicate it was approved lol this apps takes out that manual process and truly makes PR notifications in Slack seamless."


Senior Engineer @ Veridian

"As a team lead, it helps with PR visibility and easily shows which PRs have not been checked yet. It definitely improved my team's developer experience and productivity overall."

Bryan C.

Team Lead @ Crestwave

My team thanked me for finding this tool

"Code reviews were something we struggled with and this slack app helped a lot with helping our team be more organized. It also allows you to map repositories to different slack channels, very useful for us (a team of 100+ engineers) working on different repostories and teams."

Sharif N.

Team Lead @ Synergy Systems

"Simple and works well for us."

Ganesh S.

VP of Engineering @ Ark

Frequently asked questions

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"Amazing workflow improvement"

The application is amazing and improved our workflow immensely! We found it after some investigation on similar tools and it has been a great helper. The team has loved quickly receiving updates on pull requests statuses and comments.

Jose H.

Engineer @ SureIn Germany

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