The easiest way to integrate payments in MCP

    The Payment Infrastructure forAI Agents

    Enable AI transactions with human oversight, budget controls, and zero friction.

    No browser, no context switching, no headaches, it just works.

    Payments for a safe AI Economy

    Our platform gives AI the ability to request payments without direct access to financial credentials or payment method details. Control always stays in your hands.

    For Clients

    Add Payment Abilities to Your AI Toolkit

    Frictionless AI Transactions

    Enable your AI agents to pay for services without switching to a browser or complex setup

    Complete Control

    Set budgets, transaction limits, and approval workflows for your AI transactions

    Security First

    Human-in-the-loop oversight for all transactions that matter

    import { Fewsats } from 'fewsats';
    // Configure the SDK
    const client = new Fewsats({
      apiKey: process.env.FEWSATS_API_KEY,
    // Make HTTP request to external service
    const response = await fetch('');
    // Handle HTTP 402 payment required error
    if (response.status === 402) {
      // The response contains information about available offers
      const data = await response.json();
      const offerId = data.offers[0].id; // Take first offer
      const resp = await client.payOffer(offerId, data);
      // resp.status == 'needs_review'
    For Services

    Unlock a New Revenue Channel

    Expand Your Market

    Reach users where they are: AI assistants, copilots, and agent networks

    New Business Models

    Enable micropayments and agent-to-agent transactions with minimal overhead

    Frictionless Integration

    Simple API implementation with built-in payment processing and user authentication

    // Express route handler
    app.get('/paywalled-resource', async (req, res) => {
      if (needsToPay(req.userId)) {
        const offers = [
            offerId: 'offer_123',
            amount: 1, // USD Cents
            currency: 'USD',
            description: 'Test payment',
            title: 'One Cent Offer',
        const response = await client.createOffers(offers);
        return res.status(402).json(response);
      // Handle normal response

    One Integration, All Payment Methods

    Support traditional and next-gen payment networks out of the box

    Bank Transfers

    Low-fee ACH and Wire transfers

    Credit Cards

    Fast and universal payment methods with built-in consumer protections


    Support for stablecoins enabling global, borderless transactions

    Ready to empower your AI with payment capabilities?

    Get Started


    • 1
      Support for MCP payments
    • 2
      Policy engine for custom rules
    • 3
      Support for micropayments