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LST Starter Kit

New to our show? Here’s a guide of where to start, curated by Longest Shortest Time founder, Hillary Frank. More

Here Lies Me

While LST was on hiatus, Hillary created a fiction podcast about middle school called Here Lies Me. Check it out! More

The Longest Shortest Time is a parenting show for everyone. Ira likes it...

“In a world of unedited, unfocused, way-too-long podcasts on every subject, LST is pithy, emotional, well-hosted, and makes me care about something I knew nothing about: the day-to-day and night-to-night experience of raising a baby.”

—Ira Glass, This American Life

The Longest Shortest Time is a parenting show for everyone. Sarah likes it...

“I love babies and I love being a mother, but I can safely say I hate treacly or cutesy stories about babies and motherhood. I hate them. This podcast is a revelation, because Hillary’s stories are smart, inventive and unafraid.”

—Sarah Koenig, Serial

The Longest Shortest Time is a parenting show for everyone. Roman likes it...

“Hillary Frank is fulfilling a desperate need by telling stories that matter about parenting in a way that I have just never heard before.”

—Roman Mars, 99% Invisible

The Longest Shortest Time is a parenting show for everyone. Terry likes it...

“I love Hillary Frank’s The Longest Shortest Time. I’m not a mother, and I’m never gonna be a mother. But that podcast is so good.”

—Terry Gross, Fresh Air

The Longest Shortest Time is a parenting show for everyone. Jad likes it...

“As a parent, I know how hard it is to find storytelling about being a parent that doesn’t suck. That treats the person on the other end—conceivably a person with a kid—as not a stupid idiot that just wants simple, dumb, wrong advice.

This is a podcast that avoids all those traps, and tells stories that are complicated and interesting and moving.”

—Jad Abumrad, Radiolab