Welcome to the best place to find something new to like!
Are you looking for some new music to listen to, new book to read, new game to play - something, that is like what you already know and like, but new and different? Perhaps, you want to check some alternatives to a product you found online, check out what's out there similar, to get the best bang for your buck? Or maybe you are an expert on some things, and would love to share your knowledge with the rest of the world?
If any of these scenarios strike a chord, you've come to the right place!
Our dedication lies in crafting a recommendation system where you hold the reins — no algorithms, no corporate agendas. Here, you have the final say in what qualifies as similar and what stands apart.
But you might wonder, how does it work?
Imagine the familiar scenario: urging a friend, "Give this a shot, it's right up your alley! It's akin to…" We did our best to capture this exact interaction in a form of a web application.
Start with entering a name of a thing you want to find something similar to and then make a difference by voting on the results. Didn't find what you were looking for? No worries — adding it takes just a few clicks.
Or maybe, you want to have a nice list of things to recommend, your own personally tailored recommendation to share with your family, friends and the rest of the world? We got you covered by that too! And the more active you are in sharing your opinions through voting and through the lists you create, the more weight your voice gets, the more impact you can make.
Once again, a hearty welcome! Enjoy your stay, and immerse yourself in the pleasures of discovery and sharing!