Check US Visa Slots availability

No more  

getting blocked for 72 hours

Why this?

Checking US visa appointments availability has been a hurdle to at least 650,000 Indians every year
Locking Out for 72 hours if the US Visa portal "thinks" you are a bot

The NO USE Telegram & Whatsapp chat groups

Of course, thats expected!! Let's be honest - If you find a slot now, would you be booking that slot or take time to share the screenshot? I will book my slot first.

Well, 97/100 times these groups show unavailable slot screenshots - none to blame
The US Visa portal will not show the slots availability for 24 hours after 5-7 logins

The Spam only Telegram & Whatsapp chat groups

I never dared to unmute these groups. These groups are at least 1000 people, and not even 5% are helpful. And then the imposters, the agents, poking around everyone in the group.

so, why should I share the slots availability with someone who doesn't share theirs? - Trust issues, bruh!!

How this works?

simple - 🀝 Trusted Sharing 🀝

This platform  

supports 400K+ requests/day

Sharing is Caring
This a collaborative portal to see & share Visa slots availability screenshots with others.
No Agents. No Zombies
This portal is accessible ONLY IF you share the appointment calendar with others.
How to get access
  • Signup and get the access code
  • Install the chrome extension
  • Follow the Instructions to give your access code in the chrome extension
  • That's all with the extension configuration!!
  • Use the same Access Code to login on to the portal
Things you should know about the extension
  • The extension can access the appointment schedule & applicant home page, nothing else
  • The extension sends the US Visa schedule screenshot to our server when you login

πŸ†Google's Favourite Extension of 2022πŸ†
Our Chrome Extension, "Check US Visa Slots", is one of the 12 Google's favorite Chrome extension of 2022; selected out of 200,000 (approx) chrome extensions.

Read full announcement

Here is how the platform works.

Irrespective of your contribution (uploading visa slot screenshots), you are allowed to use the site for 20 sessions a day, that displays 12 latest screenshots/session.

With every contribution you get 20 more sessions that can be used for the next 24 hours. Contribution is easy. Watch - How to contribute

Now that tallies to.. If you log in 4 times/day on the US Visa portal, you will gain access to see 4 * 20 (sessions) * 12 (screenshots) = 480 slot availability screenshots in a day. That's basically checking the Visa portal every 3 mintues.


Real-time slots info
real-time slots info for everyone
βœ” βœ” βœ”
View Slots Screenshot on UI
slot screenshots shared by others
βœ” βœ” βœ”
Slots info on Browser Extension
quickly access slots availability
βœ” βœ” βœ”
Slot Start Date Info
slot start date on browser extension
❌ βœ” βœ”
Receive Email Alerts
when slots are available
❌ βœ” βœ”
Subcription Period
Email alert days
No Alerts 60 Days 90 Days
For USD Payments
Free Signup
For INR Payments
View Sample Email Alert || Watch How Email Alerts work || Email Alerts FAQ
Community vs Agents (Understand how we are going against agent's unfair advantage..)


Q. Does this work on the new US Visa scheduling portal?
>>> Yes. The platform and extensions are compatible with new US Visa Appointment booking portal -> In fact, the browser extension improves the user experience of the portal.
Q. How to check latest US visa appointments availablity?
>>> Simple. Signup to get the access code for login
Q. Is the chrome extension Safe?
>>> Look at what Google Approval Team has said about us

1. Follows recommended practices for Chrome extensions

2. We have a good record with no history of violations

3. The chrome extension will be availble to the public only after Goolge reviewing the code. Google's Approval below

Q. How to see the slots info quickly?
>>> You can use any of our browser apps chrome extension or safari extension or Install the

Android App

iOS App

Q. It shows "I need to Contribute more". How to contribute?
>>> Contributing is easy, the extension will do it for you.

Watch this youtube video


Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Install the chrome extension
  2. Give your Access Code (received in the signup) in the extension
  3. Log in to Visa Portal from the browser you installed the extension.
  4. Navigate to schedule appointment on the visa portal
  5. That's all. Screenshot is captured by the Chrome Extension.
You can check your contribution on PRO page.
Q. I'm unable to signup. The google form shows blank screen..?
>>> Try to register in incognito/private mode.
Q. Does the platform support visa application with dependents?
>>> No. It is hard to validate & cater if there are dependents in the visa application.
Q. How to receive email alerts when there is a visa slot available?
  1. Please make sure you have purchased subscription for the email Alerts.
  2. If you have registered earlier with a non-Visa Email ID, then would have got a NEW access code for the subscription to your Visa Email ID. Put the new Access Code in the extension.
  3. Make sure to contribute daily. For the system, Zero contribution in the last 24 hours is an indication that the user has already booked the slot and won't send you any email alert.
Q. How to change the access code?
>>> Watch this youtube video
Q. How does email alerts work?
>>> Watch this youtube video
Q. Which countries or nationalities are you currently supporting?
>>> Currently, we are serving US consulates only in India.
Q. Can I contribute from a mobile browser?
>>> Only Apple's (iPhone, iPad) Safari supports mobile browser extensions Safari Extension.
Android Mobile browsers do not support extension installation. However, you can download the

Android App

iOS App

to check the slots info.
Q. How to change the appointment type or change my email ID?
>>> Please follow this article Change Appointment Type or Change Registered Visa Email ID
Q. Do you book slots?
>>> No, we don't book slots. You can make use of the platform intelligently to find the slots availability shared by others and login to the Visa Portal when the slots are available.
Q. ..more questions? feedback? innovative ideas to implement?
>>> Happy to take them all. Click on that little chat icon on the botton right corner of the page or checkout the self serving support portal that answers most of the questions.
Visa Slot Booking
Personal Assistant